
Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Voki Book Talks

As part of our Golden Dragon and Silver Knight reading program for grades 3 - 5, I'm posting Voki book talks on our library home page.

Vokis are a fast and fun way to engage students in new titles.
A voki classroom account allows you to set up student accounts as well. ($29 for the year)

How to Voki:
- Design the character (choose clothes, jewelry, hair/eye color, background) Voki gives you "randoms" to choose - just roll the die at the bottom of the sample.
- Tell your Voki what to say (choose either boy or girl and then pick an accent - British? Scottish? US?)
- Type in the text - use punctuation and phonetic spellings to get the words to sound the way you want.
- Publish and share the link or embed onto a website.

Here are the vokis I've posted so far. I'm highlighting a different book each week.

After All, You're Callie Boone, by Winnie Mack

Black Radishes, by Susan Lynn Meyer

Out of My Mind, by Sharon Draper

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1 comment:

  1. Are you able to post these voki booktalks into your Follett Destiny program?
