
Saturday, August 18, 2012

Welcome to the Library!

Poster by Elise
Welcome to the Library!

This week, we're bursting with excitement about greeting returning students and welcoming new youngsters to our school. 

The goal for everyone this week is to get into the ES Library groove: enjoy a good read-aloud, dig the space, and check out some books.

Library Policies everyone needs to know
We're open from 8:00 - 4:30
Children can check out books any day, not just on their library class day.
Early childhood (PreK3 - Kindergarten) may take TWO books at a time.
Primary (gr. 1/2) may take FIVE books at a time.
Upper elementary (gr. 3, 4, 5) may take TEN books at a time.
All students may have a maximum of ten books at home. 
Parents may check out books with their own library account, TEN at a time.
Parents may use the two computers in the front of the library when available.
Children may use the library after school WHEN accompanied by a parent or tutor.

We're sending home more details about everything our library has to offer, including passwords for our licensed resources such as Tumblebooks for read-along digital stories and PebbleGO for research by emerging readers. 

Our library website is loaded with lots of free websites, educational games, and content-related extension activities. 

Boredom Busters, in order of importance:

Play outside
Eat an apple

...and if all that's been done...
Play on the library website!


  1. Hi Sarah
    I am the librarian at Shanghai American School Elementary Library and I've enjoyed following your blog for awhile.
    I am wondering, is it you who runs your netvibes library page?
    I am interested in doing something similar, I used netvibes for my own feeds 5 years ago, but haven't used it for this sort of thing.
    Any advice?

    1. Hi,

      I can't recommend netvibes right now because the site is acting quirky. It's been a problem for several months and the bugs are still not fixed. However, if it all gets back to normal, I would recommend it. What I love about it is that it's easy to add and delete links and I can archive everything on a hidden page. That makes it easy to move links back and forth when units begin.

      Do you use twitter? I'd love to follow you there, if you do.
      Thanks for your note!
