
Friday, November 23, 2012

EduBlog Nominations

Since I live in library-land, I chose to nominate library blogs wherever I could. Since It's hard to choose one "best" library blog...

These are my beacons: 
The Daring LibrarianLibrary GirlWatch. Connect. ReadBlue SkunkThe Unquiet LibrarianNever-Ending SearchVan Meter Voice, Anita Silvey100 Scope Notes

These are my tweeps: 
Kid Lit FrenzyClassic Six Books, The Stylin' Librarian, LibLaura5, Library Stew, Library Grits, Bell Bulldog Readers, Librarian's Quest, Triple A Learning, Ms. Broderick, Learning in the Library, Page in Training, The Connected Librarian, Mrs. Fitzgerald, The Mad River Librarian, and if I missed you, please give me heck in the comments :)

And are my EduBlog Nominations:


  1. WOW! I am super flattered to be mentioned, Sarah!! I adore the Edublog noms to learn about new blogs to read & people to follow! Thanks so much!

  2. Hi, Sarah! Thank you for the kind mention! - Beth

  3. Oh!!! Thank you for the tweep-out (?) I rely on your tweets and your blog to keep me motivated. Thank you!

  4. Sarah, Thanks for nominating me! I feel like you've become my friend over seas this year and I'm flattered that you'd consider me for an Edublog. Keep doing incredible things!

    Faithful reader and curiosity tryer,

    - Matthew
