
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Cataloging: More than subjects and spine labels

Careful cataloging is worth the time when it helps patrons navigate the library's database to find the books they want. Using varied subject headings helps make the match between the user's interests and the collection, and thoughtful placement and labeling of resources within the facility is another way to help patrons browse for what they want. 

But that's not all!

Careful cataloging can also be a book promotion tool.

When a new batch of books arrives, I settle in for some heavy-duty YouTube searching.

As much as possible, I edit a book's record to include a book trailer, author website, or informational site that will generate interest in the book. These links become part of the book's record and make it easy for patrons to get extra information about the book.

I try to put little extras in as many places as possible. The more I post it, the more chances that people will see it!

I use SAFESHARE for all video links. It eliminates the

distractions on YouTube pages, so videos show like this. The SafeShare video link is the one I post in various places.

Places I post:

Resource List in the catalog: "Books with Trailers"
Pinterest (YA and Middle Grades)
Google Doc of QR code images and matching links (YA and Middle Grades)
Library Website Trailers page

When students come in asking "What should I read?" I show them how to start scouring these places first!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Mrs. Ducharme,
    Everytime I visit your blog, I learn something new. Thank you for sharing about Safeshare. I'm going to try it!
    Mrs. Hembree in Seattle
