
Sunday, November 17, 2024

Beat-the-Clock Booktalks

So many books, so little time!

This week, I'm doing "Beat the Clock" booktalks. The challenge is to talk about each book within 25 seconds before the slide moves ahead!

Students will hold up a "yes" or "no" card to show if they're interested in the book and then I'm on to the next book - no discussion - gotta keep moving!

We have a "Top 100 Middle Grade Books" on a visual and resource list, but I haven't officially book-talked all of them. This is a fast way to get it done! 

Most of the books I know well enough to improvise, but I wrote up notes to practice ahead of time. 

The notes are a mash-up of my own recollections of the story, goodreads reviews, and Canva's "Magic Write" to get a quick summary. Each cover links to the Goodreads page.

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