Guiding Question: How can we apply the morals of fables to our own lives?
We read two versions of the story Tortoise and the Hare. Younger children read two classic versions, while grade two students read one classic and one "fractured" or twisted version. Both groups compared the stories and we talked about how being slow and steady in our own lives can help us be more productive and safe.
The Tortoise and the Hare, by Betty Miles
This is a funny version of the classic Tortoise and the Hare story. It's an easy reader version as well. The children enjoyed the back and forth of the hare taunting the turtle and the turtle challenging him to a race.
We reviewed some vocabulary: hare, tortoise, steady and we talked about bragging and how it's not fun to be around someone who brags.
The Race, by Caroline Repchuk
This fun twist on the fable "Tortoise and the Hare" shows how clever tortoise outsmarts the rabbit in a race around the world. Instead of dashing off in a fast car, he chooses a slow boat across the ocean - definitely the shortest path between two points! Children had fun identifying the cultural landmarks that rabbit visited on his round-the-world trek.
Grade 3
Guiding Questions: What kinds of fiction books are there in our library? How can we find them? How does knowing the call numbers of these different types of books help us?
We learned that there are four types of fiction books in our library:
1) E = Picture Books (called "Easy" even though they really aren't easy to read!)
2) I = I-Can-Read books with fewer words and short chapters
3) F or jF = Chapter Books (jF and F are the same kind of book, found in the same place!)
4) Traditional Literature, which is found in the numbered Dewey section (fairy tales, folktales...)
Students took a quiz to see if they could accurately create call numbers for each type of fiction book. We need to know what these call numbers (E, I, jF/F) mean so we can look in the right section for the books we want.
Grade 4
Guiding Question: Do we remember our NoveList account information? :)
Grade four students learned the importance of remembering account information such as usernames, passwords, and security questions and answers! Creating an account in NoveList has been a good lesson in how to manage online account information.
In this class, we continued using NoveList to build reading wishlists. These lists can be accessed from any computer using students' account information. Find NoveList here.
Grade 5
Guiding Question: What is the web 2.0 software "Library Thing"used for?
Library Thing is a program that allows users to build their own personalized library. I use it to keep track of new books, books used in library classes, books on particular themes, and much more. In Library Thing, users add books they've read and tag them with whatever categories they like. The tagging process is the system each user will follow to organize his or her books. Reviews, book blurbs, and browsing for other books are also part of Library Thing's appeal.
Students can add up to 200 titles for free. After 200, a $25.00 fee covers a lifetime membership and unlimited titles. In examining Shelfari and GoodReads, two other book sites, I feel Library Thing offers the most comprehensive program and dynamic features.
Grade Five students are piloting this software by building libraries of books they have read this year.
Library Thing home page
My Library Thing